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Pioneer Bible Translators’ 100th project was dedicated on January 27, 2024 in Louisville Kentucky and I was there!
The Kinyamulenge-speaking Banyamulenge people, refugees from Eastern Congo, now have the Gospel of Luke in their own language!
My dear friend Lillian and I went to the dedication together. It was the perfect trip! My teammate Brenda, who went with me to PNG for Martha‘s Apal Dedication, will be working full-time with this people group in Louisville Kentucky as soon as she is fully funded. Please pray that this happens quickly. There is much work to do!
I absolutely love that the Lord brought these people to our particular part of the world when their world was imploding. They had to flee their home country because of genocide. They have been told that because their language is only an oral language; nothing had been written before this book of Luke, that they had no value as people. Well, guess what? God is showing them that He values them! They feel it, they know it now, and they can’t wait to have more of their language in written form, and for it to be their very own Kinyamulenge written Holy Bible.
My teammate Jeremy Harrison shared these beautiful words with the Banyamulenge people:
Such beautiful words for such beautiful people!
“God has chosen your people to make this history and I think I have an idea and a reason why. As the eyes of God roam the earth, He sees your people. He sees your pain. He sees the suffering, He hears the cries of people in Minembwe. He sees the tears and the bloodshed of your people. And God says, “Watch me make this pain into something beautiful.” God says, “Watch me take this pain and bring Good News from this pain.” This book of Luke is the very first step. I believe God will use you and the church in Minembwe to bring peace to Minembwe. That as your people hear these words, lives will be transformed, hearts will change, and we dream with you that the violence will one day stop. We pray for this peace and may God bless you.”
It was such an incredible blessing to be there!!! I loved every minute of it! I couldn’t help but think of my precious Papua New Guineans. The leaders who led us into the place of dedication sat us at the very front table, which was showing us honor and respect… I thought wanted to be in the middle or even the back of the room, so that I could experience the beautiful celebration, but where they sat me was exactly where God wanted me. I felt enveloped in their love, passion and excitement. It was amazing to be included in their incredible excitement for having God’s Word in their heart language! And this is only their first book of the Bible! I look forward to others being completed and dedicated! I hope to attend each celebration!
You know, He could have placed these refugees anywhere in the world, and He specifically chose Louisville KY where they are deeply loved.
I loved every minute of the weekend – I didn’t want it to end! There is so much love within this community. It’s absolutely beautiful!
Below are some wonderful photos and videos for you to enjoy:

I know it’s on a very different level, but I can’t help but see the correlation between the gifts and offerings that were given to the priests in the book of Leviticus (chapters 1-4), and how beautifully you support me doing God‘s work now from Ohio.
I am currently short on my monthly finances. Would you consider giving $25, $50 or $100 a month to enable me to continue doing this work for the Lord? If so, click here.
The work that the Lord has called me to do now, doesn’t just touch Papua New Guinea, it touches the entire world! I love that even though I am not in PNG, I can still attend amazing Bible dedications. I am so grateful for your gifts, prayers, love, and friendship! I appreciate you.