It started with Thanksgiving actually… it started a few days before… Dyen (Diane) is one of our translators’ daughters. She stayed at my place while her dad and the other translators were in our national housing on their way to Ukarumpa. It was wonderful! We went across the street and cooked with Joni for our Thanksgiving dinner. What a sweet girl! I need to find some “Frozen” items to bring back with me. She and mama would LOVE gifts from that movie and Spirit! Below are photos of Dyen putting my mama’s puzzles together and our decorated Thanksgiving table.

Putting my mama’s puzzles together.

Decorations for our Thanksgiving dinner.
It was so much fun! First we picked our own corn…
Then we played corn hole. The champions were Lindy and Andy… but… we will have a rematch and maybe Kathy and I will win!
I was concerned about my first holidays without family. But my neighbor Erin put on a wonderful Christmas Eve celebration for all of us. It was a LOT of fun! We had so much good food to eat and we all brought White Elephant gifts.

We picked our own corn!

White Elephant Gift:I REALLY wanted this but Lisa ended up with it!
I REALLY wanted a certain White Elephant Gift but Lisa ended up with it. It will fit perfectly in her house! She has decorated one of our properties so cute! I’m so happy they are part of our PBT family!

So, all in all, holidays without family is really hard on some levels, but as it says in Mark 10:29-31 “Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.” God has given me a wonderful family here within PBT and Mawan. Thank You Lord!
Happy New year to you all! I pray that you seek His guidance in every single aspect of your lives. Some of our days will be hard, some good… let’s make the best of it and follow Him as closely as we can!