Yes! It happened!
Below are photos from my trip!
July 9 – August 15, 2023 Apal Update
I left Columbus Ohio on July 11. I arrived safely in Madang, Papua New Guinea (PNG) a mere 26 ¼ hours later. It was so sweet to get back to where I considered “home” for just over 7 years. Brenda (PBT teammate) and I settled easily into our flats (separate homes in one duplex). I was thrilled to be back in my little home, among things that I had left in place, thinking I was going back there to live after my one-year home assignment.
If you don’t think you will make it through all of the photos and bits of story that accompany each, just scroll down to the last photo. I don’t want you to miss its message.
We all know that God changed my address shortly after I arrived in Columbus in early 2021, but I had not, “finished” in PNG. This left my coworkers and national family suspended, until I could come back and allow them to, as my sweet friend Lois said, “release me” to go live in America with my “other” family – I know it was necessary for all of us, but it was hard to actually do. I will miss being around their sweet souls! Don’t even get me started on the babies…
So the dedication?? It was very different than I expected it to be. Yes! I flew into the jungle in a helicopter! How cool is that? I’ll tell ya how cool… VERY cool! Brenda wanted to sit up front on the way, which left the entire back seat free for me! I sat in the front on the way back to Madang.

Travel & Dedication Setup
Photos of the Apal Bible being ushered into the dedication
We spent several hours each day selling Apal Bibles, MP3 players with the Bible recorded on it, eyeglasses, and various other things in the days before and on dedication day. We had particular times to sell because the dedication was like a several days-long church service, rather than a party like some other dedications I have attended. The whole experience was very hot, and very cool at the same time!
Dedication Celebration
Thank you so much for helping me to go help and help organize things! I will never forget this experience!
I want to leave you with one last thought-provoking photo

This doesn’t happen without people like you who give generously to enable us to help them. I couldn’t do what I do with the Development Department if it were not for your prayerful and financial support. You enabled this dedication to come to fruition. You are the reason that the Apal people and other unknown/little known language groups have or will have the Word of God in their heart language.