Very few times when I have given my heart away in the past, has it been good for many (or any) of the parties. Except for loving my daughter and son-in-law, Jennie and Robert, and my grandsons, Robbie, Mason and Eddie Jake, I have made some pretty poor decisions.
Recently I took the plunge again, a hunk of my heart has disappeared into the tiny body of a baby at the Modilon Haus Sik. She was born #2 of triplets. These photos were from the first time I saw them. I wanted to share photos with the ladies who sent the blankets from America. Little did I know that I would someday be able to bless their mama with a photo of all three babies when only one remained alive.
The babies were born on Kar Kar Island. Their mama and daddy put them in a basket, stood on the shore and waited for a dingy to come carry them across the water to Madang, about 30 miles. I met a lady last week who told me that she saw them standing there. She went over and asked them if they were selling fish. She got quite a surprise when she reached down and lifted the material covering 3 extremely tiny babies, with the “biggest” weighing just barely over 1 kg (2.204 lbs). A quick side note on this particular lady. She is Papua New Guinean and she is a missionary to Pakistan. How cool is that?! We have traded email addresses and hope to keep in touch.
Back to the baby story…
Her “big” brother and her “little” sister were the strongest and healthiest when they arrived at Modilon Haus Sik. That’s why they are on one bed in the photo. Baby Girl #2 was on the Emergency Cart. She was very sick and not doing well when they arrived.
I delivered gifts to the babies and went home with a full heart. I love this ministry that the Lord has given me here!

I got to feed her her first meal.
The next time I went the nursery was closed for cleaning. I went to “intermediate” and there was one lone baby; Baby Girl #2. Her brother and sister had died. She was the only baby in there. I don’t know if more babies died or not. I never asked. But when I heard that her mama had to go back to Kar Kar because her papa had been cut in a fight, my heart went out to this lone baby. Her mama had left in too much of a hurry to get her formula. The nurses had some clear liquid they were feeding her. I went and bought some and brought it back. I got to feed her her first meal. It was amazing. She is so incredibly tiny. She weighed .870 grams (1.92lbs). I held her and my heart melted as I wondered what her life here on earth would hold and how long she will be here. Some of these photos are repeats for those of you who follow this crazy life of mine on Face Book. But I think they bare repeating – I actually looked up if that should be “bare” or “bear”… I am going with bare, but both work. How many of you will actually look? Ha-ha! Using “bare” means to reveal or make known. Well, I want her to be known, so there ya go!

Modilon advertisement in the nursery
I didn’t talk to the nurse yesterday, but Dulcy said that Baby Jeni now 2 kg (4.4 lbs) woo hoo!!! She is still being fed through the tube in her nose in addition to nursing. She hasn’t quite figured out nursing well enough to leave the hospital. I sure have mixed feelings about her going away… but I will sure be happy to know that she is healthy enough to go. It should be about another month or so. Her mama has been taught Kangaroo Care, so she gets held and loved a lot. I’m so thankful for Jill Love for telling me about this amazing way to care for an infant. I was so pleased to find out that Modilon has been doing this for quite some time. Heres a photo advertising it in the nursery. Ali should be able to meet them when she gets here… hey; did I tell you that my GOOD friend from Vista Community Church is coming to see me?!?!? Ali is planning to arrive here Saturday the 25th. I am SO excited! Yeah Ali!! THAT will make for a FUN update, I am sure!
So, here are some more photos of Baby Girl #2. Dulcy is her mama. She said I could name her, so I chose Jeni. I didn’t even complicate things by spelling it like I normally do; Jennie. I thought it would be a nice honor for my daughter and an easy name to say… well, it is an honor and I think Jennie is happy, but Dulcy can’t manage to say her name right. It comes out Janie. Oh well ha-ha! I tried! I will keep pronouncing it right… maybe someday she will say it as I do? Please pray for Dulcy and Baby Jeni. Dulcy is only 18. She has a 2 year old daughter waiting for her on Kar Kar. She has quite a responsibility at her young age. Baby Jeni will need special care for a long time. She is so tiny. Please remember us in your prayers. Its important. We need your prayers. I need them, not just with this baby ministry… I need your prayers. Life can be pretty hard here. Thank you SO much for your love and support of my living over here and doing what I have been called to do. I appreciate you!
If you feel God tugging at your heart to begin to support me financially whether for everyday life, or for this Baby Ministry please don’t hesitate. I wish that I had a lot of money, but I don’t. One of the things that the “delivery nurse” said they need is a pair of underwear. These mamas don’t even have what we consider daily necessities. If you can give on a monthly basis, please do!! I need your help to continue this ministry. You can send a check to Ali Hooper PO Box 281 Dublin, Ohio 43017. Or you can go to our Pioneer Bible Translators website to set up a monthly donation. Thank you for considering it. I couldn’t be here without your help.

She always has a beautiful smile for me!

Sweet tender hands of mercy holding mine

Dulcy, Jeni and me

Baby Jeni in “real” clothes

Lord please continue to heal and protect this sweet little girl.
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”
Matthew 25:40
Thank you!!
Hi Sharon,
Just read your email on baby Jeni. How sweet she is. Will be praying for the little one. You have such a tender heart! God love you!
We are finally in Arizona for good. It still does not seem like home yet. Feel I am visiting my family here and will return back to Ohio. I know in time it will feel like home. We are still trying
to make our house here a home. Hopefully, by next week, all pictures on walls will be up. This is no big thing compare to what you are going through. Your courage and love is amazing and I know it is only through the Lord you are able to do this.
Rambling since I have been up since 2:30 AM and wanted to get to my long overdue email. I emailed you before but I am not sure you ever got it. You are in my heart and thoughts and prayers, dear friend.
I hope you had a great visit with Ali. She is such a good friend to you and I bet she misses not
having you in the States.
Just take of yourself and I pray you have continue success in what the Lord is having you do there.
Love you,
Hi Rosie! It’s always such a pleasure to hear from you! I guess I’d better craft another update since Miss Ali has been here and is already back in the states. It’s that time again

Thank you for taking the time to write to me